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Access/Metro ............ 206‐205‐5000

DART (Metro Dial‐a‐Ride) ............ 866‐261‐3278

DSHS Medical Coupon Transportation ............ 800‐923‐7433

Metro Rider Info (TTY) ............ 800‐246‐1646


Salvation Army (gas, food, vouchers):

Kym Smith, North Bend PD ............ 425‐888‐4433

Becky Kemp, Snoqualmie PD ............ 425‐888‐3333

North Bend Community Church ............ 425‐888‐2711


Snoqualmie Valley Transportation ............ 425‐333‐5554

Snoqualmie Valley Transportation Shuttle ............ 425‐888‐7001

Solid Ground ............ 206‐694‐6833

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